announcementNoticeEffective 23 July 2024, our customer service hotline's operating hours will be from 9am to 7pm on Mondays to Fridays and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm except for public holidays.Learn more

Why choose FWD Home insurance?

Protect your house building, home contents, renovations and more with Singapore's #1 home insurer for customer experience¹.

Extra savings for 3-year plans

Enjoy an additional 15% discount when you choose FWD Home insurance 3-year plan.

Zero excess

There will be no surprises, we will not charge you any excess when you have a claim due to burst pipes or fire.

Home assistance services

We cover four assistance services (such as electrical, plumbing, locksmith and air-conditioning) of up to S$100 for each assistance service in a year.

Check your price


Product highlights

Covers your pet dog or cat

We provide coverage if your pet dog or cat is stolen or is injured due to an insured event that happens at your home.

Covers monetary loss

If you’re a landlord, you’ll be covered if your tenant defaults on rent. If you’re a tenant, you’re covered for loss or damage to the tenant’s building renovations and home contents

Personal mobility devices and power banks

We’ll cover any damages to your home contents or house building if they are damaged in a fire caused by a personal mobility device, LTA-registered e-scooter, or power bank inside your house.²

What is covered

Home owner / Landlord
Home contents
Loss or damage to your home contents including the cost of removing debris

Loss or damage to the building including professional fees and the cost of removing debris

Loss or damage to your renovations including the cost of removing debris

Rent protector
If your tenant defaults on rent due to an insured event or, for any reason they are unable to stay in your home, we are there to cover your loss of rent.

Worldwide personal liability
Covers the accidental death of or bodily Injury to a third party and/or loss or damage to a third party’s property

From the people who matter most

Based on reviews

From the people who matter most

Based on reviews

Claims made easy

We keep things simple when the going gets tough.

Step 1

Download the FWD SG App
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Google Play Store icon

Step 2

Submit your claims within minutes with the FWD SG App

Step 3

Our dedicated claims assessor will get in touch with you to support you every step of the way
Important notes
¹ Based on Forrester’s CX Index™ 2020
² Terms and conditions apply. Refer to policy wording for more information
This page is for general information only. You can find the detailed terms and conditions of this plan in the policy wording.
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or